Adult and Pediatric Care
The body size differences are paralleled by maturation changes. The smaller body of an infant or neonate is substantially different physiologically from that of an adult. Congenital defects, genetic variance, and developmental issues are of greater concern to pediatricians than they often are to adult physicians. A common adage is that children are not simply “little adults”. The clinician must take into account the immature physiology of the infant or child when considering symptoms, prescribing medications, and diagnosing illnesses.
A major difference between the practice of pediatric and adult medicine is that children, in most jurisdictions and with certain exceptions, cannot make decisions for themselves. The issues of guardianship, privacy, legal responsibility and informed consent must always be considered in every pediatric procedure. Pediatricians often have to treat the parents and sometimes, the family, rather than just the child. Adolescents are in their own legal class, having rights to their own health care decisions in certain circumstances. The concept of legal consent combined with the non-legal consent (assent) of the child when considering treatment options, especially in the face of conditions with poor prognosis or complicated and painful procedures/surgeries, means the pediatrician must take in to account the desires of many people, in addition to those of the patient.
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These are actual comments from actual patients who have visited Dairy Road Urgent Care.
This place is the best. They’re so kind, professional, and fast. I would recommend them to anyone, old, young, or in between.
Staff is very friendly. I’ve never had to wait long. Doctors and PA’s really listen to you. They also follow up with detailed questions to get to the problem. I’ve never felt like they were rushed or disinterested. They are my 1st choice for urgent care.
My visits here for me and my children have all been helpful, good visits so far, a lot better than our experience at DOCCS.