1. Dairy Road Urgent Care will prepare a Notice of Privacy Practices for its patients.
2. The notice must be written in plain language and contain the elements and statements required under the Privacy Rule.
3. Dairy Road Urgent Care must promptly revise and distribute its privacy notice whenever there is a material change to the uses or disclosures, the individual’s rights, Dairy Road Urgent Care’s legal duties, or other privacy practices stated in the notice. Except when required by law, a material change to any term of the notice may not be implemented prior to the effective date of the notice in which such material change is reflected.
4. Dairy Road Urgent Care will make its Notice of Privacy Practices available as follows:
4.1. The initial Notice of Privacy Practices prepared under this policy will be given to each patient on the first date on which the patient receives a service from Dairy Road Urgent Care on or after April 14, 2003. In an emergency treatment situation, the notice will be given to the patient as soon as reasonably practicable.
4.2. Except in an emergency treatment situation, Staff members will make a good faith effort to obtain a written acknowledgment of receipt of the notice. If acknowledgement of receipt is not obtained, the Staff member will document the good faith efforts to obtain such acknowledgment and the reason why the acknowledgment was not obtained
4.3. The Notice of Privacy Practices will be available electronically to each user who logs on to a website maintained by or on behalf of Dairy Road Urgent Care., (if such a web site exists) on or after the notice’s effective date.
4.4. Copies of the Notice of Privacy Practices must be available at each Dairy Road Urgent Care, and a copy must be posted prominently in each waiting room. A copy will be given to anyone who requests one.
4.5. Whenever the Notice of Privacy Practices is revised, copies of the revised notice must be made available at each Dairy Road Urgent Care location on the effective date, and the revised notice must be posted in each waiting room by the effective date.
4.6. Dairy Road Urgent Care may provide the Notice of Privacy Practices to an individual by e-mail, if the individual agrees to electronic notice and such agreement has not been withdrawn. If Dairy Road Urgent Care knows that the e-mail transmission has failed, a paper copy of the notice must be provided to the individual.
5. The Privacy Official must retain copies of each Dairy Road Urgent Care Notice of Privacy Practices for at least six years from the date when the notice is superceded by a revised notice.

These are actual comments from actual patients who have visited Dairy Road Urgent Care.
This place is the best. They’re so kind, professional, and fast. I would recommend them to anyone, old, young, or in between.
Staff is very friendly. I’ve never had to wait long. Doctors and PA’s really listen to you. They also follow up with detailed questions to get to the problem. I’ve never felt like they were rushed or disinterested. They are my 1st choice for urgent care.
My visits here for me and my children have all been helpful, good visits so far, a lot better than our experience at DOCCS.